Full configuration example

    An example with all the options.

    Here's an example next-sitemap.config.js configuration with all options

    /** @type {import('next-sitemap').IConfig} */
    module.exports = {
      siteUrl: 'https://example.com',
      changefreq: 'daily',
      priority: 0.7,
      sitemapSize: 5000,
      generateRobotsTxt: true,
      exclude: ['/protected-page', '/awesome/secret-page'],
      alternateRefs: [
          href: 'https://es.example.com',
          hreflang: 'es',
          href: 'https://fr.example.com',
          hreflang: 'fr',
      // Default transformation function
      transform: async (config, path) => {
        return {
          loc: path, // => this will be exported as http(s)://<config.siteUrl>/<path>
          changefreq: config.changefreq,
          priority: config.priority,
          lastmod: config.autoLastmod ? new Date().toISOString() : undefined,
          alternateRefs: config.alternateRefs ?? [],
      additionalPaths: async (config) => [
        await config.transform(config, '/additional-page'),
      robotsTxtOptions: {
        policies: [
            userAgent: '*',
            allow: '/',
            userAgent: 'test-bot',
            allow: ['/path', '/path-2'],
            userAgent: 'black-listed-bot',
            disallow: ['/sub-path-1', '/path-2'],
        additionalSitemaps: [

    Above configuration will generate sitemaps based on your project and a robots.txt like this.

    # *
    User-agent: *
    Allow: /
    # test-bot
    User-agent: test-bot
    Allow: /path
    Allow: /path-2
    # black-listed-bot
    User-agent: black-listed-bot
    Disallow: /sub-path-1
    Disallow: /path-2
    # Host
    Host: https://example.com
    # Sitemaps
    Sitemap: https://example.com/sitemap.xml # Index sitemap
    Sitemap: https://example.com/my-custom-sitemap-1.xml
    Sitemap: https://example.com/my-custom-sitemap-2.xml
    Sitemap: https://example.com/my-custom-sitemap-3.xml

    Created by: Vishnu Sankar & Contributors. 

    Font From: Fontshare. 

    Website Source.