Additional Paths Function

    Using `additionalPaths` function.

    additionalPaths this function can be useful if you have a large list of pages, but you don't want to render them all and use fallback: true.

    Result of executing this function will be added to the general list of paths and processed with sitemapSize.

    You are free to add dynamic paths, but unlike additionalSitemap, you do not need to split the list of paths into different files in case there are a lot of paths for one file.

    If your function returns a path that already exists, then it will simply be updated, duplication will not happen.

    /** @type {import('next-sitemap').IConfig} */
    module.exports = {
      additionalPaths: async (config) => {
        const result = []
        // required value only
        result.push({ loc: '/additional-page-1' })
        // all possible values
          loc: '/additional-page-2',
          changefreq: 'yearly',
          priority: 0.7,
          lastmod: new Date().toISOString(),
          // acts only on '/additional-page-2'
          alternateRefs: [
              href: '',
              hreflang: 'es',
              href: '',
              hreflang: 'fr',
        // using transformation from the current configuration
        result.push(await config.transform(config, '/additional-page-3'))
        return result

    Created by: Vishnu Sankar & Contributors. 

    Font From: Fontshare. 

    Website Source.